
Rolf Institute機関誌最新号の掲載記事

Rolf Instituteの機関誌Structural Integrationの最新号に、Ask Faculty-教員に聞くに記事が掲載されました。

Q: (a) Why do you think arms and hands didn’t seem to have a big place in Dr. Rolf’s original conceptualization of the Rolfing Structural Integration (SI) Ten Series or the work we hear about her doing? (b) When you are teaching the Ten Series, how do you consider arms and hands in your strategic planning? (c) In the Ten Series or otherwise, how do you work with hands and arms as a part of fascial interventions that are intended for global change? (d) How do you invite clients’ attention into their hands and arms? (e) For clients who come to you for hand and arm symptoms, how do you meet their goals? (f) Finally, for the self-care of your own hands and arms, what habits do you have to maintain comfort with your fingers, hands, and arms? 

Q: (a) ロルフ博士がロルフィング構造統合(SI)10シリーズの当初の概念化や、私たちが耳にするワークの中で、腕と手が大きな位置を占めていないように思われたのはなぜですか?(b)10シリーズを指導するとき、戦略の中で腕と手をどのように考えていますか?(c) 「10シリーズ」或いはそれ以外の場面で、広範囲な変化を意図した筋膜への介入の一環として、手と腕をどのように使っていますか?(d) どのようにしてクライアントの注意を手と腕に誘いますか?(e) 手や腕の症状で来院するクライエントに対して、どのようにしてクライエントの目標を達成していますか?(f) 最後に、自分自身の手や腕のセルフケアのために、指や手、腕の快適さを維持するためにどのような習慣を持っていますか?

Hiroyoshi Tahata 

Rolf Movement Instructor 

Working with the hand, forearm, and upper arm has great potential for the integration of structure and function. The barriers to integration can be minute or gross insults. On the minute scale, I sometimes find that scar tissue has formed in the deltoid from immunization injections. On the gross scale, an obvious example is impact from sports, whether inherent to the activity or injury. For example, a volleyball player will experience repeated impact to the distal forearm and fingertips just playing the sport. In kendo, a Japanese martial art using bamboo swords, it is common to receive blows to the forearms and hands from the opponents bamboo sword, and this will have an effect, even if the hands were protected by the traditional splints. 

We should not ignore these restrictions, minute or gross, as they affect spatial perception as well as joint mobility. The upper limbs play an important role in sensing space. In my workshops, it is common for participants to note that when they, as the practitioner, consciously sense through an upper limb, their partner in the client role notes that his/ her perception becomes more open and s/he senses more space. The mapping of the hand in the sensory and motor cortex is huge, which means that as we work with hands we may also be stimulating a broad area of the cortex with afferent input. When our work is able to facilitate more ‘rest’ in the hand, it can greatly calm the client, inducing parasympathetic rest. 

As described elsewhere (Tahata 2019), vaccinations can cause muscle contractures at the injection site. For these cases, it is efficient to work with the ‘damaged’ area, checking for tissue tone, reduced motility, or a lack of congruence. It should be useful to restore the affinity to space (i.e., restore the kinesphere) around any traumatized area. 

Each component of the hand and arm is related and resonant, especially to analogous structures. For example, I have observed in some clients that as the tissue around an injection site in the arm was able to ‘yield’ to space, the client’s hip joint would also become more spacious. Here are some correspondences: 

1. Upper limb 

lower limb through the interosseous membranes. 

2. Shoulder girdle 

pelvic girdle through limbs. 

3. G′ with shoulder girdle to upper limb G with pelvic girdle to lower limb 

Another client comes to mind, a woman who experienced repeated needle punctures to her arms for chemotherapy, dialysis, and blood samples during and after a long-term chemotherapy program to treat breast cancer. This trauma to the vascular tissue affected her whole system, both the needle trauma and the stress from the infusion of chemotherapy agents. So, when I think about arms, I also think about the cardiovascular system and how it is a network from capillary to heart with seamless continuity, like fascia. This client had vasculitis from the peripheral intravenous infusions. She was told that if she could not bear the successive infusions into the arm due to inflammation, then the drugs would have to be administered through central venous 

cannulation. For quality of life reasons, she did not want this more invasive method, so she sought work with me to calm the peripheral tissues. My approach was gentle movement intervention with ‘yielding’ touch to the infusion site on her right arm. My intention was to give safe space so the tissue could let its guard down, followed by focusing on connection of the whole cardiovascular network through the arm. 

Her reflections are as follows: 

When touched on my right arm, the arm and leg on my right side were not quiet at first. As these were getting settled in, I felt my internal organs winding down. Then the right arm was open like a fish opened and dried. I had a feeling of being exposed, a little vulnerable, but I felt gradually calmed down and my back was moving. When I was asked by Hiro to have a sense of the blood vessels, I felt a warm sensation from the base of the collarbone to the middle finger, and felt comfortably the blood vessels through blood circulation rather than through pain. 

When first touched around the lower edge of the ribs,I could not feel the ribs expand well. Later, after the touch disengaged, I felt like breathing deeply, and like an amoeba, the feeling that the body was swelling and shrinking. 

When my breathing calmed down and my body and thoughts became quiet, my sense of Hiro as a distinct presence shifted [that is, the practitioner’s presence became neutral in the ma of the room], and I felt as if everything in the surrounding space was united. Feeling that my body is warm and united. Something strange, like being wrapped in a cocoon. 

Even after returning home, my right arm was soft and warm, and my vascular pain became lighter. I feel like my palpitations have calmed down and my mind and body have returned to calm. 

I feel like I am going to be comfortable for a while.” 

Since this time, the client has three times had chemotherapy administered through peripheral veins without provoking blood vessel inflammation. Thus gentle interventions like yielding touch may help clients undergo ongoing medical treatment in a way that maintains their quality of life. 

Most of us have had needles in our arms for medical treatment at one time or another. How the body perceived that past phenomenon and responded to it may indicate that there’s a missing link to attend to for finding congruency by working with the hand and arm. 

Tahata, H. 2019 July. “The Superficial Layer as Sensory Envelope.” Structure, Function, Integration: The Journal of the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute® 47(2):37–42. 

田畑 浩良(たはた ひろよし )



  1. 上肢
  2. 肩甲帯
  3. 肩甲帯を上肢Gに通したG′と骨盤帯を下肢に通したG




