

Rolf Institute機関誌Journal of the Dr.Ida Rolf Institute

過去,Rolf Lineという雑誌名で創刊されたRolf Instituteの機関誌Journal of the Dr.Ida Rolf Instituteにこれまで投稿した記事・論説を以下に示します。

The superficial layer as Sensory Envelope

All stimuli in the environment are perceived by the superficial
layer of the body through sensory cells prior to neural or visual
registration. Working with the superficial layer as a sensory
envelope therefore holds great potential for integrating the
body, more than just our traditional view of the sleeve sessions
being preparatory work for the core sessions.

Working with Ma

Introduction by Interviewer Kathy McConnell

“I attended a workshop on The Art of Yield with Tahata in April 2015. Since then, I have been weaving various aspects of his innovation into my sessions with good results.”

The Body-Mind Relationship

Q What is something from your Rolfing® Structural Integration practice or another field of study that has struck you about the body-mind relationship? How has it affected your thinking, how you practice our work, or how you communicate with clients?

A While working at a pharmaceutical company before becoming a Rolfer, we collaborated on a project with two physicians, Drs. Omura and Shimotsuura, who are using a procedure they call the Bi-Digital O-Ring Test (BDORT). ・・・・

The Art of Yield: An interview with Hiroyoshi Tahata

Rolf Movement教員の視点 
イールドの技法:Kathy McCornellによる田畑浩良へのインタビュー記事

Yielding: Engaging Touch, Presence and the physiology of Wholeness

Carol Agneessens先生との共著,Yieldについての記念すべき第一報



