
Rolfing /Rolf Movement Instructor

Carol Agneessens
With your skill and sensitivity you have evolved the understanding and orientation of YIELD. This fundamental movement was first explored in the movement training in 1999. It was a privilege to have you in that class. You have taken this most fundamental movement of embryonic life and evolved it into an energetic and viable inclusion in structural integration. It was particularly beneficial for you to come to the energetic focused workshops in Phoenix with Jeff Maitland.
Jeff was open and welcoming to working with this approach to the body, and all that the body is. And you, my friend, have expanded this membrane of understanding to include this and inclusion with the cytoskeleton within the body and with the energetic field.
Thank you for your courage, your brilliance and your commitment in expanding our understanding of the dimensions of this body we live in.

The Weaver of Silk

The delicate weaving of silken flesh

A tapestry of body’s wear
Hands nimble and knowing
Which threads to weave and which threads to leave.

Intelligent hands sensing the whole
Seeing implicit beauty, a flower unfolding
Dowsing for waters of life giving mystery
He touches a soul’s depth.

You, my friend, are a master weaver
Humbly threading healing alchemy
Spaciousness of breath, bone and gesture
The body of liquid crystalline glows.

Anchoring resilience within the matrix
Gravity’s flow between heaven and earth
My body aligns with grace and ease
Opening to the call of the muse
Giving thanks for the silence in which to listen.

To Hiro
Tokyo movement training 2007
With love from Carol

certified Advanced Rolfer

Kathy MacConnell

Another important inspiration for this quest was learning Hiroyoshi Tahata’s “Yield” apporach to Rolf Movement (Tahata and McConnell 2015). Tahata is a certified Advanced Rolfer and Rolf Movement Instructor who came to Rolfing SI from a cellular-biology background. He uses the back side of his fingers, lightly resting on the client, to evoke an almost instantaneous, system-wide activation of motility. He also uses the back of his hands, under the body, to cue the client’s system top yield to gravity. If you ever have the opportunity to watch him, the dance he leads, between interoception and exteroception is exquisite. 

Emeritus Rolf Movement Instructor

Mary Bond

I’m curious to know whether an old vaccination scar has anything to do with the wincing gesture of my left arm. I’ve asked my Rolfing colleague, Hiroyoshi Tahata, to help me investigate. Hiro’s work is exceedingly subtle. His touch is light and brief—fleeting, like the strum of a guitar in a distant room. His presence conveys the essence of safety. He barely touches the dime-sized mark on the back of my arm. I must have been given that shot when I was one or two, more than seven decades ago. For a beat or two, I fold down inside myself, then erupt in fury. I’m very, very young. In a flash, I remember the doctor’s red hair, his pink face and glasses, and his breath on my cheek. He always wore a bowtie. I want to kick my feet and beat my arms. There are no words for this, but inwardly I hear myself screaming with bloody rage. I feel the hot impotence of my infancy. What if caregivers knew about peripersonal space, knew that a piercing—of voice, of eye, or needle—could dent the space around and within a child’s (or anyone’s) body, and in so doing affect the body’s organization for a lifetime? Standing up from the treatment table, I’m aware of an unusual expansiveness in my upper back. Instead of feeling fragile between my shoulder blades, I sense that that area of my spine can support my heart. I could now, if I wanted to, push Dr. Beaux right out the door. It’s a powerful feeling. How could such a light touch have such a transformative effect, I wonder. But then I remember that up to 90 percent of the sensory nerve endings in fascia are located right beneath the skin.」

—『Your Body Mandala: Posture as a Path to Presence』Mary Bond著

certified Advanced Rolfer

Anne Hoff

We learn from Hiroyoshi Tahata about the unique Japanese concept of ma – which relates to both time and space , particularly emptiness in space and intervals in time. Tahata brings ma into the ‘yielding ’ work he and fellow Rolf Movement® faculty member Carol Agneessens developed , again pioneering new territory and showing us how the subtlest aspects of our work can in and of themselves support phenomenal structural changes.

Rolf Movement instructor

Lisa Fairman

I am grateful that I stepped forward for the opportunity to be your demonstration client. This was a courageous act for me – sharing myself in this way in front of a group – as I am a rather private individual. My curiosity to understand and experience the work that Hiro brings forward was compelling. I wanted a felt-sense exploration. The session proved to be one of my more profound Rolfing® Structural Integration experiences.



I discovered “Rolfing” by reading an article in some magazine awhile ago, and had a desire to try it out.I tried to understand the concept of “Rolfing”during the very first session I had in Tokyo, but could not grasp the depth of the concept then.
However, I started to feel the balance of the body adjusting, and felt that the axis of the body was getting straight.It is also so nice to see the difference in my body before and after a session by having digital photos taken as proof.
Ryuichi Sakamoto (Composer/Musician)


William Rainen





Bruce Bailey




