以前、Rolf Movement名誉教員のMary Bond先生にイールドのタッチを用いてワークさせて頂いた時の様子が、先生の著書「Your Body mandala」の中に書かれています。注射によって、診断名がつく程度の障害※がなくとも、注射を打たれた衝撃は、何らかの形で身体に記憶されています。ただ、回復の可能性がないというわけではなく、以下のような介入によって変化をもたらす可能性があります。
I’m curious to know whether an old vaccination scar has anything to do with the wincing gesture of my left arm. I’ve asked my Rolfing colleague, Hiroyoshi Tahata, to help me investigate. Hiro’s work is exceedingly subtle. His touch is light and brief—fleeting, like the strum of a guitar in a distant room. His presence conveys the essence of safety. He barely touches the dime-sized mark on the back of my arm. I must have been given that shot when I was one or two, more than seven decades ago. For a beat or two, I fold down inside myself, then erupt in fury. I’m very, very young. In a flash, I remember the doctor’s red hair, his pink face and glasses, and his breath on my cheek. He always wore a bowtie. I want to kick my feet and beat my arms. There are no words for this, but inwardly I hear myself screaming with bloody rage. I feel the hot impotence of my infancy. What if caregivers knew about peripersonal space, knew that a piercing—of voice, of eye, or needle—could dent the space around and within a child’s (or anyone’s) body, and in so doing affect the body’s organization for a lifetime? Standing up from the treatment table, I’m aware of an unusual expansiveness in my upper back. Instead of feeling fragile between my shoulder blades, I sense that that area of my spine can support my heart. I could now, if I wanted to, push Dr. Beaux right out the door. It’s a powerful feeling. How could such a light touch have such a transformative effect, I wonder. But then I remember that up to 90 percent of the sensory nerve endings in fascia are located right beneath the skin.
—『Your Body Mandala: Posture as a Path to Presence』Mary Bond著
Rolfer’s NOTE: 上記の介入は、イールドによる働きかけ (Rolf Movement®のThe Art of Yield//Yielding Embodiment®)で、まず施術者と受け手との間のちょうどいい位置関係から相互に安全安心の場を創りだし、受け手の身体システムを侵害しないように空間からゆっくり働きかけ、触れたとしても触れるか触れないかの境界にあるようなタッチを多用しました。タッチよりも、触れる前と触れた後に、ちょうどいい間合いから身体システムが自動的に起こす変化を見守ることに重点があります。