
最新のRolf Instituteの機関誌 – Ask the Faculty

Rolf Instituteの機関誌, Structural Integrationに掲載した記事を転用します。ファカルティ(教員)に聞く,という欄に掲載しています。

Ask the Faculty 

The Body-Mind Relationship 

Q What is something from your Rolfing® Structural Integration practice or another field of study that has struck you about the body-mind relationship?  How has it affected your thinking, how you practice our work, or how you communicate with clients? 

A While working at a pharmaceutical company before becoming a Rolfer, we collaborated on a project with two physicians, Drs. Omura and Shimotsuura, who are using a procedure they call the Bi-Digital O-Ring Test (BDORT). This method can locate each organ’s outline on the skin using the phenomenon of electromagnetic resonance through the human body. When the physician finds cancer in a patient, in most cases the location mapped by BDORT matches well with what is found through CT/MRI imaging. 

The BDORT method can also be used to determine treatment. While at Dr. Shimotsuura’s hospital for a few months, I saw many kinds of carcinoma seemingly cured completely with supplements, Chinese herbs, or acupuncture, chosen and prescribed using the BDORT method based on what ‘canceled’ the electromagnetic level of the lesion. All results were backed up by MRI or sonographic analysis. It seemed that very subtle stimulation is enough to heal the organism. 

Dr. Shimotsuura observed that when a patient failed to heal, he had often taken a higher or lower dosage than the BDORT results determined, or a supplement other than what was selected by the BDORT method. This suggests that appropriate subtle stimulation can stimulate healing, while excessive or uncalled-for stimulation may cancel the positive effects of a suitable intervention. These experiences affected my perception of the human body, and may lend support to the concept of ‘less is more’ in our somatic work. 

Hiroyoshi Tahata Rolf Movement Instructor  Structural Integration / July 2015 
